Ned Mahon Photography

Associateship (AIPF)

The Associateship  requires a panel of fifteen images to be presented for assessment. The panel should sit together as a cohesive body of work and demonstrate the applicant’s individuality and sustained ability in photography. Successful applicants are entitled to use the letters AIPF after their name.

My statement:

I have always admired the  speed and agility  of race horses and the tenacity and skill of their jockeys.

Substituting my camera for  my binoculars, I have  combined my passion for photography with my love of horseracing.

There is a tangible sense of excitement   as these magnificent animals  race at high speed around the course and  jump the fences  guided by their brave  jockeys.

My panel is a selection of images taken at  ” National Hunt ”  and  “Point to Point” meetings over the last number of years  in  various weather conditions showing  the thrills and spills of  this entertaining sport.